Social+ Ocean Bound Plastic now released!

Social+ Ocean Bound Plastic now released!

Social+ Ocean Bound Plastic now released! 2560 1440 Ocean Bound Plastic Certification


Zero Plastic Oceans is excited to announce the launch of the first social certification focusing on the cornerstone of the circular economy supply chain: the waste picker community. This new certification component, called Social+ Ocean Bound Plastic, aims to support organizations that step further from business as usual and engage with waste picking communities and employees in a fair and ethical manners.

This is the first social certification specifically designed to include informal waste pickers and provide them direct benefits, tailored to their needs and specific situation.

The Social+ OBP certification will empower communities and individuals by ensuring businesses create inclusive and equitable working environments and support them along towards better living conditions.

  • What does the Social+ OBP certification entail for informal waste pickers?
  1. Effective strategies and practical solutions to ensure child protection and prevent child labor.
  2. Strengthened bargaining power and enhanced representation within the organization.
  3. Enhanced Occupational Health and Safety measures for a safer working environment.
  4. Support with administrative and financial tasks in daily life.
  5. Accessible and actionable training programs for personal and professional growth.
  6. Enhanced income stability with transparent and verifiable payment records and enforced premium payments.
  • Who can apply to this certification and make Social+ OBP claims?

The Social+ OBP certification is available to all organizations involved with the first step of collection of Ocean Bound Plastic. It is applicable for both Commercially Recyclable and Non-Commercially Recyclable OBP hence for both subprograms of the OBP Certification Program. To engage in this certification process, interested organizations can contact any of the approved certification bodies.

Social+ OBP claims can be made throughout the value chain if the initial collection step is Social + certified and the rest of the value chain is OBP certified.

  • How was the Social+ OBP certification drafted and developed?

After 3 years of implementation of the Ocean Bound Plastic certification, it became obvious that there was a significant opportunity to improve social rights and human rights along the OBP value chain and in particular for waste pickers who need it the most.

As a result, Zero Plastic Oceans started a multistakeholder consultation process to draft the first version of the standard. This first version was then developed with the help of a community of practice composed of brands, projects, certification bodies and other entities (Ranong Recycle For Environment/Tide Ocean (Thailand), The Good Idea, OceanCloud, Groupe Rocher, BVRio, Control Union, Seven Clean Seas, Ecoblue, GIZ China). The revised draft was then published for public consultation and the comments incorporated into the final version of the standard published on the 8th of September 2023.

  • What are the benefits for the certified companies?

By obtaining the Social+ OBP certification, you can demonstrate your social commitment to go above and beyond when working with waste picker communities and your own employees, while supporting an inclusive circular economy with positive environmental impact practices. You will not only be protecting the environment, but above all, transforming the lives of individuals that need it the most through a holistic approach and measurable impact.

Know more:


Maëva Tesan

Credits: Images couresty of OceanCloud and TONTOTON, all rights reserved to OceanCloud and TONTOTON.
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