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Documents specific to the OBP Recycling Subprogram

  • This standard applies to organizations doing collection of Ocean Bound Plastic, focusing on commercially recyclable OBP and reselling the OBP they have collected.

  • This standard applies to organizations recycling OBP into new polymers and/or new products and to any other actor in the value chain until the final client (traders, merchant or plastic packaging users for example).

  • This standard applies to organizations selling OBP products directly or through distributors/retailers. It is a standard allowing Brands to make third party certified OBP claims for promotional purposes in accordance with future European green claim directives.

  • The following guide covers the possibilities offered by the Collection Organization Standard to structure and certify your OBP Supply Chain.

  • The following documents provides an overview of what Transaction Declarations are, how they are issued, controlled and verified.

  • The following documents covers the procedure to issue Transaction Declarations (it is applicable only to already certified companies)

Documents specific to the OBP Neutrality Subprogram

  • This standard applies to organizations doing collection and treatment of Ocean Bound Plastic, focusing on non-commercially recyclable OBP and wanting to emit and sale OBP Credits for the work they perform.

  • This standard applies to companies willing to offset their plastic footprint by purchasing OBP Credits and claiming their production as OBP Neutral.

Documents specific to the Social+ Ocean Bound Plastic Component

  • This document is not a standalone Standard; it is an optional component that provides greatly enhanced social benefits to Independent Collectors – ICs, and workers of the certified Organization. This component can be used together with the OBP-COL-STD (OBP Collection Organization Standard) for Commercially Recyclable Plastics, and/or with the OBP-NEU-STD (OBP Neutralization Services Provider Standard), for Non-Commercially Recyclable Plastics for the OBP Credits system.

  • These guidelines shall be used by Organizations and by Certification Bodies. For Organizations, they give guidance and share good practices and examples to support the implementation of the Social+ OBP component. For Certification Bodies, they will provide better understanding of requirements and guidance on how to verify compliance.

  • This document is a copy of the ETI code in its version  ETI/V1/04/18 as referenced in the OBP-SOC-STD document. Organizations shall use this version for compliance with the OBP-SOC-STD but we encourage organizations to visit ETI’s website to find useful additional ressources for implementing the code with their own employees.


  • This document covers all the definitions, acronyms signification and the annexes mentioned in the standards of the OBP Program. This document needs to be reviewed carefully by any organization interested in getting certified to any of the OBP standard.

  • Besides answering usual questions about the standard, this document is to be used by certification bodies, certified organizations and applying organizations as interpretation guidelines for the OBP standards.

  • This document is a must use for every certified company wishing to make any promotional and on-product claims and use the OBP Logos

  • To facilitate the implementation of the standard by organizations willing to get certified we have prepared indicative or mandatory templates. You will find all of them in this document.

  • The cost of maintaining and developing the standard is born by the Non-for-Profit Organization Zero Plastic Oceans, to be able to continue this mission ZPO charge a fee per certification executed against its standards. The list of fees is detailed in the document below

  • In order to allow for the continuity of certification processes even during exceptional conditions the following guidelines have been established for Certification Bodies to be able to perform in certain cases remote or supervised/shadow audits.

  • Recognizing other standards and other audit results is beneficial for certified companies as it allows auditors to use existing information and verifications from other audits to ease the OBP audits. This document details under which conditions this recognition can be made and for which requirements for the GRS and the SA 8000 standard.

Documents for Certification Bodies

  • For certification bodies willing to offer the OBP Program, the following document covers the process and requirement to get approved by Zero Plastic Oceans to audit and certify against the OBP standards.

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