1. Identify the certification standard(s) that corresponds to your project/activity
Plastic recycling value chain (for commercially recyclable Ocean Bound Plastic * ):
- You are collecting Ocean Bound Plastic (OBP) or purchasing OBP to waste pickers, fishermen or small collectors
OBP Collection Organization Standard
- You are transforming certified OBP into new products (every recycling and manufacturing activity is considered in this this category, from after the collection until the final product)
OBP Recycling Organization Standard
- You are trading certified OBP material or products (at any stage of the value chain after collection)
OBP Recycling Organization Standard
Plastic credits and offsets value chain (for non-commercially recyclable OBP** ):
- You are directly collecting or purchasing non-commercially recyclable OBP to waste pickers, fishermen or to small collectors and would like to issue/sell Ocean Bound Plastic Credits (OBP Credits)
OBP Neutralization Services Provider Standard
- You are purchasing OBP Credits and would like to make a certified claim of OBP Neutrality
OBP Plastic Producers and Users Standard
*Commercially recyclable refers to an OBP waste that can be sold locally to recyclers for a price that renders its collection attractive to waste pickers or collection organizations.
**Non-commercially recyclable refers to an OBP waste that has no value to waste pickers or collection organizations as recyclers cannot sell it at a price that covers the cost of collection (or cannot be sold at all).
2. Carefully read the certification standard selected to understand the requirements you need to comply with to obtain your certification.
We invite you to consult also the OBP-DEF-GUI this is a very important document to understand all the terms used in the standards, in particular the detailed definition of OBP. All the standards and complementary documents are available in the document center
3. Choose a certification body from the “Certifications Bodies” page
Contact them to receive quotations for the audit and certification and follow the contractual process with your chosen certification body.
4. Prepare for your audit, and upon a successful audit, receive your certification and label.
Reviewing each requirement of the standard(s) prepare the corresponding procedures, manuals, implement the necessary registries, forms, contracts, declarations, perform trainings, audits… making sure all is properly documented for the auditor review.
Get audited, take the corrective measures if needed and receive your certificate along with the right to use the OBP Labels.