Ocean Bound Plastic Certification

Certifications to help protect our Oceans

The OBP Certification Program is designed to encourage the removal of Ocean Bound Plastic from the environment by adding value in effectively collecting and treating it before it reaches the ocean.
The certification program is composed of two subprograms, each of which can be combined with the Social+ OBP Component:

You would like to be certified…

You are looking for a supplier

What is OBP?

Ocean Bound Plastic (OBP) is a type of plastic waste defined as “at risk of ending up in the ocean”. It generates 80% of plastic marine litter and most of the time, does not have a commercial value.

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Who is Zero Plastic Oceans?

Concerned by the ever-increasing plastic pollution of the environment and the ocean in particular the founders started a model for companies to finance the collection of Ocean Bound Plastic (called ZPO Initiative)…

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This Certification has been developed by Zero Plastic Oceans in partnership with Control Union, with inputs and comments from HHI, OVALL, Oceanworks, Race for Water Foundation, ANCON, Marea Verde, EuroFil, TONTOTON, Alcane Conseils, Jan & Oscar Fondation and the support of SUEZ Central America and Caribbean.
We would like to thank them all for their precious contributions.

Infos & News

Recent news from the OBP Certification and the team!

OBP Benchmark with Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directives
Social+ Ocean Bound Plastic now released!

All our news from the blog

Our lastest news from Instagram

www.obpcert.org is
owned and managed by the NGO

1 Bis rue de la Cailletiere
17740 Ste Marie de Re, FRANCE

© 2022 – ZERO PLASTIC OCEAN – Realised by Celuga.fr

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